Effective Date: 18 September 2023
BE AWARE: Using drugs always involves risks to your health. We strongly advise against the use of illegal psychoactive substances.
Please take note that the contents of the PartyWise App, including text, images, graphics, and other materials, are intended for informational purposes only. Nothing provided on the App is, or should be considered, a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. In any emergency or potential emergency situation, please call the nearest emergency medical services. Always adhere to the medical advice provided by your healthcare professional. Never delay seeking such advice due to information you may have come across on the internet or on an App, including the PartyWise App. Always consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare professional if you have any questions related to a medical or mental health condition, including any questions you may have in connection with the use of drugs.
The PartyWise App is an e-commerce project created as a final project for the Spiced Academy Full Stack Bootcamp. There are no investors or partners with a financial interest in the information provided on this App.
Your access to the PartyWise App is voluntary and at your own risk. By using and remaining on the App, you indicate your agreement to these terms and conditions of use.
To be eligible to download or access the PartyWise App, you must be 18 years of age or older.
The information provided through the PartyWise App is provided on an "as is" basis, without any warranty, express or implied. PartyWise does not warrant or guarantee that the App or its contents will be permanently or partially accessible and/or error-free. You must have a reliable internet connection to access the App.
The content on this App has been compiled with due care and to the best of PartyWise's knowledge. However, PartyWise cannot assume any liability for the timeliness, completeness, correctness, accuracy, or usefulness of any of the content provided on the PartyWise App. This includes potential translation errors. PartyWise can only be held liable for damages caused by intentional wrongdoing or gross negligence.
The PartyWise App includes links to websites owned and operated by third parties. These links are provided for your convenience. If you decide to visit any third-party website using links from the PartyWise App, you do so at your own risk.
These terms of use are governed by German law and are available in English. You can download and/or print them from PartyWise Terms of Service.